Danach gab es Geburtstagstorte. Pünktlich mit dem Beginn der Schatzjagd stoppte der Regen. Insgesamt 7 Karten mußten die Kinder, auf dem Weg verteilt, finden. Den jeweiligen Start und vor allem das Ziel fanden sie sehr schnell. Bei den Schätzen mußten wir dann schnell sein, sonst fielen die Kleinen wie die Piranhas darüber her. Auf den einzelnen Etappen wurde Büchsenwerden, Eierlauf, Topfschlagen und Schatzsuche gespielt. Für die Kinder war der Spaßfaktor wohl sehr hoch. Wir Eltern waren hauptsächlich damit beschäftigt, den Sack Flöhe zusammen zu halten, sie zum Teilen zu bewegen und als Gruppe zu spielen anhalten. Vielen Dank an Felix, Rafaels Dad, der uns sehr geholfen hat. Toll war es - aber jetzt erst mal Pause!
The birthday party for Jakob took place on Saturday. Mom and dad prepared a treasure hunt during the days before. Even so it was quite some work it was fun to make the treasure plans, think about the games and actually we also did a dry-run to see how it might work out! The party started by having the kids create their own goody-bag, then off we went for the first game: throwing water bombs into buckets (which we had to shift to the basement because of some rain...). While eating the cake the rain stopped and we went outside. 7 maps had to be encountered on the way and the treasure of each had to be found. Which they did very quick! Each treasure chest would have been attacked as if piranhas were there. Mom and Dad had to be quick to make sure each of the little ones got an equal part! On the several track sections they had to hit cans, do egg run, hit the pot and count items along the way (just to mention a few of the tasks)! It was real fun for all! We really had to herd cats and sometimes get them to work as a group! Many thanks to Felix (Rafaels' dad) whom we asked to support us! It was a fantastic afternoon!
Goodie Bags |
Baking Part2 |
My little helper |
The show can begin |
The first treasure hunter |
Eating cake pops |
Water bombs |
Birthday cake |
Happy Birthday to you |
Hit the cans |
Looking for the first treasure |
Egg running |
Hmm ... sweets |
Another treasure map |
Treasure hunt on a wet greenfield ;) |
Last obviously treasure |
But it took a while ... |
Dinner with Rafaels family |
Next Day - unwrapping the presents |
Thanks soooo much!!!! |
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